Tuesday, March 29, 2011

PhD Scholarship in Business and Social Science in Denmark

Aarhus Graduate School of Business and Social Sciences invites applications twice a year for admission to the PhD degree programme. PhD degree programmes are offered as 3-year schemes or 4-year schemes.

The general call includes a number of PhD positions in the areas of business and social sciences (i.e., law, communication, econo-mics, business administration, management, political science, psychology). In addition, this call offers openings in areas of special priority (see under "special openings" for details).


Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences invites applications for admission to the PhD programme. Positions are available per 1 September 2011 (or soon thereafter).

Applications are invited for a number of PhD positions in the following field programmes:

  • Business Communication
  • Psychology and Human Relations
  • Public Policy and Administration
  • Business Administration
  • Economics and Business
  • Law and Administration
  • Business and Social Science

Note that in the field of business and social sciences, only the 3-year scheme is offered.

Deadline for application: 15 April 2011 at 12.00 noon (CET).

Applications must be uploaded via the AU Self-service. The online application system will be accessible on 16 March 2011. For further details and instructions see below.

(Next biannual application round: The online application system will be accessible in mid September. Deadline for applications: 15 October.)

Being a PhD student in Denmark

They are employed on a full-time basis for three years, and the salary is enough to cover all necessary accommodation and living costs and to lead an active life. A PhD student does not pay university fees.

PhD students at Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, work under almost the same terms as other research staff, i.e. they have their own office space with a computer, incl. Internet access, email, phone etc., as well as access to secretarial assistance etc. Moreover, expenses in connection with the scientific work are covered, e.g. participation in research courses and academic conferences in Denmark and abroad.

There are also good and well-paid job opportunities in Denmark for people with a PhD degree, both within and outside the university sector.

A PhD student in Denmark must complete an individually planned PhD course programme within the relevant research area and conduct a research project under the supervision of experienced senior researchers. The PhD student is also expected, as part of the programme, to spend some time (up to six months), with coverage of travel and accommodation expenses, at another – often foreign – research institution. During the programme, the PhD student is further expected to gain teaching experience within the subject area as well as experience with other forms of dissemination of research results. Aarhus University also finances participation in relevant PhD courses and scientific conferences. In addition, it is expected that PhD students participate in and contribute to the other activities of the department.

Conditions of employment

The PhD scholarship has aduration of three years. Graduates with a relevant master’s degree and students expecting to complete their study programme in the near future may apply for the scholarship. The employment is covered by a national collective agreement.

The applicant’s research potential will be the determining factor for a positive academic assessment. For further information on admission criteria and Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences’s PhD programme, please go to:




If you have any tecnical questions about the fellowship, application procedures etc., please feel free to contact Henrik Scriver email: hsc@asb.dk or Trine Bjerregaard Larsen email: tbl@sam.au.dk

If you have any general question i.e. concerning field programmes etc. you may contact vice dean Per Baltzer Overgaard, email: povergaard@econ.au.dk

Application and assesment

Only applications received through the electronic application facility will be accepted. The facility will be open for application from 16th March 2011.

In the application facility you must choose either The ASB Doctoral Studies Programme or the Graduate School of Social Sciences

The following material must be attached:

  • Project description (max. 5 pages), including the expected theoretical and methodological approach, taking point of departure in the topic for the research outlined above
  • Graduate diploma (including a list of all grades)
  • CV
  • Other material, if any (e.g. publications), which should be taken into account in the assessment

Application must be marked with vacancy number: 2011-218/3-55

Deadline for application Friday 15th April 2011 at 12:00 AM.

The applications will subsequently be assessed by an expert selection committee, and applicants will receive the committee’s assessment of the individual application and the response to the application from Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University approx. 2 months after the expiry of the deadline for application.

The assessment of the application comprises an overall assessment of the applicant and his or her qualifications. Particular weight is attached to the project proposal, the grades obtained by the applicant in the study programme, and to whether the applicant, during the study programme or in another manner, has displayed special skills in writing major papers, e.g. a thesis.

As part of the academic development process at Aarhus University, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Aarhus School of Business (EQUIS accredited) merged on 1 January 2011 to form Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences. Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences is one of four new faculties at Aarhus University and will on several parameters become the largest university unit of business studies and social sciences in Denmark, with a wide academic scope and several strong research communities. The final decision on the overall structure of the faculty including the departmental structure will be made during the spring of 2011.

Aarhus University offers a good and inspiring education and research environment for 38,000 students and 9,200 members of staff, ensuring results of a high international standard. The budgeted turnover for 2010 amounts to DKK 5.6 billion. The university’s strategy and development contract are available at www.au.dk/en.

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