Tuesday, March 29, 2011

2 PhD scholarships in Organizational Architecture in Denmark

Interdisciplinary Centre for Organizational Architecture - ICOA at Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences is advertising two PhD scholarships available as at 1 September 2011 or as soon as possible thereafter.

ICOA is an interdisciplinary center designing organizations of the future.

ICOA is a collaboration between individuals, research groups at Aarhus University, and a broad range of international universities and scholars. The center serves to support the implementation of inter- and cross disciplinary research and close cooperation with business and society at large.

ICOA’s approach is holistic – as a strategic one-stop-shop for executives facing the challenge of designing their organization to match the turbulent surroundings.

ICOA research the design of intra-firm architectures and their integration into a holistic management system. Intra-firm architectures may include organizational design, quality architectures (such as the study of dynamic capabilities), data architectures, analytical architectures, and the requirements needed for a successful integration.

Two PhD scholarships are advertised.

  • One is within the relationship between Organizational Architecture and Sustainability. This PhD scholarship will be associated the research project GOLDEN see: http://www.goldenforsustainability.org/.
  • The second PhD scholarship is generally advertised within the center's research in Organizational Architecture.

Questions about the preparation of the project description may be directed to (Børge Obel, Center Director, +45 20207355, bo@asb.dk)

PhD scholarship in Employee Participation in the Generation and Commercialization of Innovation in China and Denmark

In agreement with the SINO-Danish Center for Education and Research (SDC), the Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, invites for applications for a 3-year SDC-sponsored scholarship within an ongoing research collaboration on Employee Participation in the Generation and Commercialization of Innovations in China and Denmark (for information on this project, see below). The candidate is expected to become part of a new research team between management researchers from Aarhus University and colleagues from Renmin University within the area announced. The candidate will spend at minimum 6 months at the involved Chinese research environment and minimum 12 months in the involved Danish research environment.

Qualified candidates are expected to have earned a relevant master’s degree. Futhermore, it is expected that the candidate can work independently as well as in teams and is is able to and minded for working in an international and multicultural environment. Excellent communicative skills are also required and applicants who speak and understand Danish are preferred (as much data collection is expected to be collected in Denmark).

Applications will be assessed by an expert committee and will have to be approved by the management of the Danish SDC Center. During the assessment, weight will be given to the project’s relevance for the ongoing Chinese-Danish research cooperation.

The successful candidate will be enrolled at the Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, and will be affiliated with the Danish Sino-Center and the associated Innovation Research Group.

Questions about the position and information about the announced research area can be achieved from Professor John P. Ulhøi på jpu@asb.dk at the Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University.

About SDC
The Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research is a joint project on education and research between eight Danish universities, the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (GUCAS) and the Chines Acadmy of Sciences (CAS). The Center will be located at GUCAS’s future Yanqihu Campus. For the time being, the Danish SDC secretariat is located at Aarhus University. The Sino-Danish Center is expected to be fully operationable by March 2013. It will accomodate 100 researchers from both countries. Moreover, the Center will offer high quality master programmes to 300 master students as well as PhD training for about 75 doctoral students. For more information,, please visit: http://www.sinodanishcenter.dk/index.php?menu_id=11

2 scholarships in economics (Labour market effects) at Aarhus University, Denmark

The PhD scholarships are offered within CAFE – Centre for Research in Active Labour Market Policy Effects. The research projects of PhD students should comprise, but is not restricted to, one of the following issues:

  1. An analysis of inflow effects of active labour market policies; to what extent do these policies affect the inflow to public income assistance such as e.g. unemployment insurance benefits, sickness benefits, and social assistance?
  2. An analysis of the importance of employment related programmes, such as employment subsidies, job training (virksomhedspraktik), etc. Projects that entail analyses of substitution effects/deadweight losses/general equilibrium effects will be given special consideration.

The aim of CAFE is to analyse different types of policies and interventions, and to develop and apply econometric methods using micro data. CAFE provides access to detailed population register based data sets and strong computational facilities.

The PhD scholarships are placed within the Department of Economics at Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences. Further information on the PhD scholarships can be obtained from CAFE Research Director, professor Michael Rosholm, Department of Economics, phone: +45 89 486 189, e-mail: rom@asb.dk, or Head of Department, professor Peter Jensen, phone: +45 89 486 482, e-mail: pje@asb.dk.

PhD scholarship in Price formation in Danish residential markets at Aarhus University, Denmark

Applicants must take a special interest in price formation in Danish residential markets and are expected to focus in particular on the following issues:
  • theroretical and empirical analysis of price formation in Danish residential markets on the basis of the development prior to the recent financial recession,
  • the importance of financial liberalisation, expectations and geographical disparities,
  • estimation of price formation in Danish residential markets with a special view to improving financial forecasting and macroeconomic modeling in housing economics.

Questions about the preparation of the project description may be directed to Professor Torben M. Andersen, phone +45 8942 1609, tandersen@econ.au.dk

2 PhD scholarships in Marketing in Denmark

The Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University is advertising 2 PhD scholarships available at the MAPP Centre for Research on Customer Relations in the Food Sector.

The first scholarship is co-financed by a grant from the Strategic Research Council and Arla Foods, and it forms part of the research consortium INSPIRE, where major Danish universities, GTS Institutes and food producers cooperate in applied research in the food area. The project the PhD student will have to work with deals with Communicability and impression management in the design of food production chains. Part of the research activities in the INSPIRE consortium will deal with the design and implementation of new food production processes and new food ingredients.

Questions about the preparation of the project description may be directed to Prof. Klaus G. Grunert, phone +45 89486439, e-mail klg@asb.dk .

The second scholarship is co-financed by a grant from the Danish Food Industry Agency / Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and it forms part of the research consortium SUMMER (Superb and Marketable Meat from Efficient and Robust Animals), where a number of Departments and Research Centres of the Aarhus University and various meat producing SMEs cooperate in applied research in the meat area. The project the PhD student will have to work with deals with Work Package 5: Product Quality and Development of Meat from Efficient and Robust Animals and Work Package 6: High Value Marketing.

With the aim to increase the production and market share of ORGANIC meat (pork, poultry and young beef), an integrated research and development effort will take place along the food chain. The hypothesis is that this meat category is presently underdeveloped due to incompatibility between production costs/consumer prices and the experienced quality of the products, and that this incompatibility primarily should be overcome by adding quality in a broad sense to the organic meat products. Part of the research activities in the SUMMER consortium will thus deal with the design and implementation of new ORGANIC meat production processes.

Questions about the preparation of the project description may be directed to Associate Prof. Athanasios Krystallis, phone +45 89486374, e-mail atkr@asb.dk

Food production processes are today often used as quality signals by consumers and other members of the food chain, and should therefore be evaluated not only in terms of the physical products coming out of it, but also in terms of the impressions they are creating in the minds of customers. The research topics are thus related to research streams in the areas of technology acceptance, quality perception, and market signalling.

The MAPP Centre is a world class competence centre doing research on consumer behaviour with regard to food, and on implications of consumer insights for industry and public policy (see www.mapp.asb.dk ). It is part of the Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University.

PhD scholarship in cognitive behaviour therapy for children and adolescents in Demark

A PhD scholarship is available for research in cognitive behaviour therapy for children and adolescents. The applicant is expected to conduct the PhD research project at the Anxiety Clinic at Aarhus University.

Questions about the preparation of the project description may be directed to Associate Professor Mikael Thastum, phone +45 8942 6641, e-mail mikael@psy.au.dk

PhD scholarship in Autobiographical Memory Research in Denmark

We invite applications for a PhD scholarship within an area of autobiographical memory research. The applicant is expected to conduct his/her PhD project at the Center on Autobiographical Memory Research, University of Aarhus.

Questions about the preparation of the project description may be directed to Professor Dorthe Berntsen, phone +45 89424975, e-mail dorthe@psy.au.dk